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Company Profile

Reliable Returns and Positive Impact

Our investment company invests in hotels in urban markets. To set ourselves apart, we look at the long-term to ensure stability and control with our assets while we act as owner, operator, and brand.



Solving Math Problem
What the problem is with today's investment funds

Most hotel real estate investors have short-term visions. This often results in:

  1. Riskier investment decisions

  2. Adverse social and environmental impacts on communities

  3. Misaligned interests between owners, operators, and brands.

Black Gears
How this can be fixed

By investing in real estate with the long-term in mind, we align the interests of the investor with the community at large. Additionally, by serving as owner, operator, and brand, we want to eliminate conflicts of interests between these parties and streamline operations, data, revenue, and profitability.

Why we can beat the market
Mother & Child Shooting Arrows

The shift to a long-term vision coupled with the owner, operator, and brand model provides a streamlined vision that our competitors simply will not enjoy. We are free to fully invest in people, product, and places with these ideas in mind:

  • Attract the best talent with simpler operations and offering our employees stability and growth

  • Build better products (physical and digital) as we are not investing in our assets for a quick flip

  • Improve our communities with a steady focus on quality, sustainability, and respect for all

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